
I Have Decided- The Story Behind the Song

This Sunday we will finish the series “More Than Just A Song.” I wanted to spend a moment looking at the story behind the song “I Have Decided To Follow Jesus.”

In the late 1800’s, revival swept England and many missionaries flocked to India to spread the Gospel.

A husband, wife, and two children were converted thanks to the efforts of one of these missionaries.  The village decided to make an example out of this newly converted family and arrested them, demanding them to renounce Christianity. The deal was for the father to renounce Jesus, or see have his family murdered in front of him.

He responded and said, “I have decided to follow Jesus, and there is no turning back.”  He then watched his children executed.  He then declared, “The world can be behind me, for the cross is before me!”  The man’s wife was then murdered.  The man was then executed while saying, “Though no one is here to go with me, still I will follow Jesus.” 

News spread through India and it was heard by Sadhu Singh, and Indian Evangelist.  Sadhu was told that since the execution of the first converts, those who had killed the family had since come to faith in Jesus and revival had spread through the village.  Sadhu took the last words of the martyr and put them to music of traditional Indian melodies.

Some time later American missionaries brought the song home with them, and George Beverley Shea reworked it as an English hymn that was used in many Billy Graham revivals.


We need to remember it as more than a pretty melody, more than a fond memory- but as a declaration that despite what this world may throw at us, we will follow Jesus.  No turning back.

Come join us Sunday as we look at what true obedience looks like. #morethanjustasong


Worship as a Guitarist.

10576997_10204455984344386_5519685618710949783_nHi Velocity, my name is Collin! Some of you may already know me, some of you may not, but you may have noticed  a big guy playing guitar  on stage for the past couple of months, thats me! I haven't been there in a while (health stuff no biggy!) but I'll be back soon! Here is a little bit about myself, Im 20 years old. I've helped with many churches and worship teams in the past serving on various ministry teams. I am from Anderson SC born and raised! I have a lovely girlfriend named Tyler, she is awesome and supports me in my music endeavors and more importantly my walk with Christ. I am going to school to be a history teacher, my grammar and typing may be terrible but I love history! Enough about me!

So there has been many times when I have been asked “why does worship music need guitars” or “why do you need to be playing your guitar so loud” or “why do you do “solos” on sunday mornings“? To answer this I pretty much need to start with the basics of what I believe it means to worship.

Worship to me is more than a song, its more than meeting on a sunday morning, it is a life style. So when I think of my worship put into music, I always think of Psalm 86: 9-10

All the nations you made are on their way, ready to give honor to you, O Lord, Ready to put your beauty on display,  parading your greatness, And the great things you do – God, you’re the one, there’s no one but you!”

I get so excited reading that. When playing my guitar all I want to do is exalt him, I want to be able to give my all musically and spiritually and with saying that I  have to be aware that on sunday mornings I am leading others in worship and not just myself. This calls for a readjustment.185681_10150111013219590_83060799589_6189045_5600299_n

When In public worship people can feel pretty out of place and reserved. To break that barrier an atmosphere needs to be set, a “mood” if you will. I would say that our worship pastor Josh does an awesome job at picking songs that set an atmosphere and exalt God. As a servant to God under Josh’s leadership I feel that I should do everything I can to make this “mood” or atmosphere be enriched. I use the guitar as a tool to push that atmosphere. Much time, effort, and prayer goes into finding out what will set that atmosphere and for lack of better words what will tug on your heart strings. We want the music to be something that will soften hearts and help welcome the Holy Spirit and help you take in the words being sung and the message being given. As a guitarist I want to be an atmosphere setter, a door opener for those who may feel uncomfortable in that setting and I also want to help set the atmosphere of joy when singing to God!

Its an honor and blessing to spend so much time worshiping with you Velocity! I look forward to being back with you soon!

Worshipping The Worship

In churches all across America (and the world), there are worship leaders getting people to sing along as one voice.  Some churches have great production value, some don’t.  Some have huge choirs and organs, some don’t.  Some churches teach the idea that singing the songs is just a part, and that it is all a part of giving God the glory.  And some don’t.


Sunday Set List

This past week Caleb spoke to us about Grace.  He challenged us with a question- what is your “But God” moment?



Set List:

  • Whom Shall I Fear (Chris Tomlin)
  • Forever Reign (Passion)
  • How He Loves (David Crowder version)
  • One Thing Remains (Passion)
  • Amazing Grace (My Chains Are Gone) (Chris Tomlin)

Worship As Community

We have talked mostly about worship in song or lifestyle. But let’s chat about community.

This past week I saw this idea lived out.  The group of missionaries I spent time with- about 100-150 people, worshipped not simply by singing, but by being a community.

What Is Worship As Community

People need community.  Having people surrounding you to help lift you up when you need lifting, make you laugh when you want to cry, to cry with you when you do cry, to help take care of each other.  Being Jesus to one another.

When we view the people around us and look at their needs and how we can meet them, we form a community.  When we do that with Jesus as our center- we worship Him by doing what He asked.

In Acts we see the church being more than just a building, more than just a group of people- but a community focused on telling others about Jesus and meeting the needs of those around them.

At the conference this past week, I got the chance to sit down and talk with people.  People who just needed an ear to listen to some of their problems, and to encourage them to keep trusting.  There was one group I want to talk about specifically though.  The Journeymen.

The Journeyman program is a two year program for young adults with a college degree to serve overseas.  They are spread all over the world.  But this group of people had such a tight knit relationship.  It was honestly a little hard for me to “break in” with them, but when I did I think they blessed me more than I blessed them!

These guys prayed for each other constantly, many of them only saw each other every two years at the conference (like a lot of the missionaries).  So when they did get together, they held tight.  Every time you saw one- you saw four. They did life together, even if that life was thousands of miles away (there is one team in Paris) from one another.

When you worship by being part of a Jesus focused community- you have people who have your back.  Who will listen when you call, who will help you when you fall. Because you are more than just people- you are family. I love that every missionary kid called me “Uncle Josh” this week.  Because to these kids- we are all family!

Worship as community is not going to church.  It is not “checking off the attendance box”.  It is getting your hands dirty, being involved, helping to raise up future leaders while being poured into by the leaders of yesterday.

 Community is not about you or me, but it is about us.

Being a part of a community is not so that you can get your needs met or so I can get mine met.  It is so we aren’t alone.  Don’t think of it as “what can I get from them” but more of “what can I do for them”.  if we all have that mentality then every need will get met selflessly and whole heartedly.

At Velocity– we want to build a community, not a roster.  If you are interested in being part of our community, or if you need someone to talk to- please email us.  We have small groups that you can plug yourself into, volunteer positions to help get plugged in, and people that want to do life along side of you.

Are you worshipping by being a part of a community?


Western Gateway Conference Song List

Below is a list of songs we have sung at the Western Gateway Conference.  I have been so incredibly blessed by every person here that I cannot begin to explain.  We got to see a glimpse of Heaven this week in the relationships built and praise we lifted!

(I have not included the iTunes links just yet, because internet just isn’t fast enough for pulling up 20+ songs on iTunes! I will work on that when I get home on Monday, but I have included the artists who have made the songs versions we sang this week on some cases)

Always- Kristian Stanfill
At the Cross (Love Ran Red)- Chris Tomlin
Break Every Chain- Will Reagan
Cornerstone- Hillsong Worship
Forever- Bethel
Forever Reign- Passion
Give Me Faith- Elevation Worship
How Great Is Our God-Chris Tomlin
How He Loves- John Mark McMillan (David Crowder version)
I am- Crowder
It Is Well- Bethel
It Is Well (Through the Storm)- Todd Fields
Jesus Paid It All- Kristian Stanfill
Lay Me Down- Passion
Love Came Down- Bethel
One Thing Remains- Passion
Our God- Chris Tomlin
Revelation Song- Jennie Lee Riddle (Kari Jobe version)
Set A Fire- Will Reagan
The Stand- Hillsong United
This Is Amazing Grace- Phil Wickham
White Flag- Chris Tomlin
You Never Let Go- Matt Redman
Your Love Never Gives Up- Jesus Culture

To every missionary I encountered this week- I am praying for you! Keep up the work that God has called you to- with God on our side, what can stop us? Take joy in knowing that you are constantly being prayed for and lifted up.  If you ever need anything please email me at joshwilliams@velocitychurchsc.org

Why Do We Sing In Our Worship Services?

This post is written by Meagan Kestner, one of the members of Velocity Worship, as well as the Brown Family Ministries.  She is married to Caleb, and they have a dog named Lexi.

I like the way Gary Panell answers this question:

A person who is filled with the Holy Spirit can’t help but sing, this is what Ephesians 5:18-19 says, “And do not be drunk with wine, in which is dissipation; but be filled with the Spirit, speaking to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord.

Why do we sing in our services?

Singing is one of the most common responses people had when they became filled with the Holy Spirit.

Why is it so emotional?

Over the years musical worship has taken many trends. Today a person—not supporting the Christian faith would look at a group of Christians worshipping and think,

​Are they drunk?

A similar situation happened back when the people first encountered the Holy Spirit.

Acts 2:13 “Others joked, “They’re drunk on cheap wine”

That’s when Peter stood up, backed by the other eleven, spoke out with bold urgency . . . they haven’t had time to get drunk – it’s only nine o clock in the morning. This is what the prophet Joel announced would happen.:

In the Last Days, God says,
​I will pour out my Spirit on every kind of people.

When you become filled with the Holy Spirit our thoughts and actions all become completely centered on bringing praise to God. It can be very emotional at times, and other times not. The danger we face now is trying to chase down an experience with the Holy Spirit rather than worshipping to bring God glory.

Just some thoughts.

West Africa: Day Three

I am writing this at 11:49PM Senegal time (6:49PM SC Time).

Today was the first full day of the conference.  Man- what a day!  it began at 8:15, with breakfast at 7:00.  My alarm decided to sleep in so I had to rush!

The congregational worship time has been so incredible.  I need to take a moment and just explain how much I and most American churches take for granted.  These 30 minutes on a Sunday morning is something we have grown so used to and don’t realize what a blessing it is.  The people I am with don’t get a “Sunday morning church service” very often- and if they do it isn’t in English.

I met two people tonight who said they just cried last night during the music because they were so excited to here  worship music in English.  America- we have to realize what we have!  To be able to sing in our own language!
My mom used to say if I didn’t want to eat something that there were starving kids in Africa who would be lucky to have it.  It applies here since worship can be a spiritual meat- There are missionaries starving for a chance to worship collectively like we do, and we throw it away by not singing and folding our arms because we think the songs are too fast/loud/soft/boring/exciting/traditional/modern/blended.  

I have said it before and I’ll say it again- a person who can’t sing during Sunday morning worship time is showing a sign of a heart not changed by Jesus.  </rant>

We sang Cornerstone tonight, and I missed the final chord going into the final chorus.  I honestly think God held my hand back because what followed was incredible.  The people began singing the chorus so loud, so earnestly and passionately that i stepped back, lifted my hands- and gave praise to God for letting me be apart of this week.

Anyway- I spent time with all age groups today- morning with the adults singing to our God, then singing with the kids, then playing with kids, then hanging out with the youth. it was great.

One of the big reasons we are here is to interact with the missionaries.  We aren’t just doing the camp and staying back.  We are therapists this week as well- finding time to talk and get to know them, while being a sounding board or encourager.

Tomorrow’s layout looks similar to todays, but we will hopefully work out a lot of the logistical kinks in the system (nothing big- just having to stay flexible)

Prayer Requests:

Pray for open doors.  That I build relationships that go beyond this week.  That grow me and grow them.  Relationships that build each other up.

Pray for the others on my team and myself for us to remain flexible.  We have to continually remind ourselves that this isn’t about or for us.  Our goal is for the missionaries to have zero stress this week, which obviously will mean stress for us.  Its okay- as long as we remain FAT (flexible, available, and teachable)- we are good to go!

Pray for God to continue to rebuild broken people here.  Give rest to tired people.

Western Gateway Conference

Hey everyone- an hour ago I took off with a team from Rocky Creek Baptist church headed to Senegal, West Africa.  I will be leading worship for the missionaries in West Africa as they come together for a time of renewal and refreshing.  I can’t wait- it is going to be such a good time and I am looking forward to being blessed by these missionaries and their hearts.

I will be publishing recaps of the day each day here on the site- so that those that are interested can follow along.

Please pray for the team and for I as we build relationships with the missionaries, and open our hearts to what God wants for us. Pray for the missionaries that they are able to refresh and renew.  And lastly, pray that we are a testimony of God to those who work at the hotel, that we might show the love of Jesus to a predominately Muslim people group.

Thanks everyone!


The Myths of Freedom

Do you feel the freedom of Christ? Or do you feel a set of rules you have to follow in order to find favor?

I want to discuss a few myths i have seen when it comes to freedom in Christ.

Myth Number One: You Can Earn God’s Favor/ Love

There is a myth out there that believes that you have to follow the rules and laws of God to earn His favor. Let me just put this out there- you cannot earn God’s favor.  Nothing you do can make God love you any less or any more.

When you love God and understand God’s love for you- you want to obey His laws.  Not because it will help you find favor, but because just like in a relationship- you care.  I buy my wife flowers- not because it will buy me points with her, but because it will make her happy. I clean around the house to make her happy.  Knowing that nothing our love is not tied to what we do for each other, but what we do for each other is an outpour of our love.

Simply being a good person doesn’t mean anything to God.  He doesn’t want you to be a good person- He wants you to love Him and let Him transform your heart by realizing the sacrifice Jesus made for you and letting the Holy Spirit work in and lead your life

You can’t earn God’s love.  Because He loves you regardless.

Myth Number Two: The Laws Don’t Matter Anymore

This many times because a knee-jerk reaction to Myth Number one- the idea that if you can’t earn God’s favor, why bother with the laws at all.  But that’s not what we are taught by Jesus.  Matthew 5:17 says:

Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them.

Jesus came to pay the penalty for our sin.  That doesn’t give us a free pass to do whatever we want- but it means that (going to my previous myth) we obey the law because we love God, not so that we love God.

Myth Number Three: Christian Freedom Means Not Having Fun

This is held by many non-Christians. Somehow this belief has come around that if a Christian is going to be a “good Christian”- they can’t have fun.  Let me say this plainly- Christian Freedom does not mean leaving fun. God created everything.  Including laughter.  God enjoys a good joke, and wants His children to enjoy life.  But– He doesn’t want us to enjoy life so much that we forget that this world is not our home- or to find our fun in worldly things that go against the laws that God has laid out for us.

Christian Freedom means having a good time in life, while keeping our priority on our first, True love- Jesus.  When Jesus is our priority, we can have fun.  We will find joy in the things He finds joy in. Humor in the things He finds humor in. We have fun in what He has fun in. This world is not our home, but God does not want us to go through life on earth, the life He created on the earth He created- with our heads down and ignoring every blessing He created.

God created the sunrise for our enjoyment.  He created the laughter of a baby in order to bring a smile to our faces.  He created laughter! Why would He not want us to laugh?  He created fun! So why would He not want us to have fun?


Freedom in Christ means so much more than obeying rules, or only holding to the fact that God loves us regardless.  Finding Freedom in Christ means learning what God created us for, what He wants for us, and that while His love never diminishes, if we love Him we will want to please Him.