I Have Decided- The Story Behind the Song

This Sunday we will finish the series “More Than Just A Song.” I wanted to spend a moment looking at the story behind the song “I Have Decided To Follow Jesus.”

In the late 1800’s, revival swept England and many missionaries flocked to India to spread the Gospel.

A husband, wife, and two children were converted thanks to the efforts of one of these missionaries.  The village decided to make an example out of this newly converted family and arrested them, demanding them to renounce Christianity. The deal was for the father to renounce Jesus, or see have his family murdered in front of him.

He responded and said, “I have decided to follow Jesus, and there is no turning back.”  He then watched his children executed.  He then declared, “The world can be behind me, for the cross is before me!”  The man’s wife was then murdered.  The man was then executed while saying, “Though no one is here to go with me, still I will follow Jesus.” 

News spread through India and it was heard by Sadhu Singh, and Indian Evangelist.  Sadhu was told that since the execution of the first converts, those who had killed the family had since come to faith in Jesus and revival had spread through the village.  Sadhu took the last words of the martyr and put them to music of traditional Indian melodies.

Some time later American missionaries brought the song home with them, and George Beverley Shea reworked it as an English hymn that was used in many Billy Graham revivals.


We need to remember it as more than a pretty melody, more than a fond memory- but as a declaration that despite what this world may throw at us, we will follow Jesus.  No turning back.

Come join us Sunday as we look at what true obedience looks like. #morethanjustasong


Worship as a Guitarist.

10576997_10204455984344386_5519685618710949783_nHi Velocity, my name is Collin! Some of you may already know me, some of you may not, but you may have noticed  a big guy playing guitar  on stage for the past couple of months, thats me! I haven't been there in a while (health stuff no biggy!) but I'll be back soon! Here is a little bit about myself, Im 20 years old. I've helped with many churches and worship teams in the past serving on various ministry teams. I am from Anderson SC born and raised! I have a lovely girlfriend named Tyler, she is awesome and supports me in my music endeavors and more importantly my walk with Christ. I am going to school to be a history teacher, my grammar and typing may be terrible but I love history! Enough about me!

So there has been many times when I have been asked “why does worship music need guitars” or “why do you need to be playing your guitar so loud” or “why do you do “solos” on sunday mornings“? To answer this I pretty much need to start with the basics of what I believe it means to worship.

Worship to me is more than a song, its more than meeting on a sunday morning, it is a life style. So when I think of my worship put into music, I always think of Psalm 86: 9-10

All the nations you made are on their way, ready to give honor to you, O Lord, Ready to put your beauty on display,  parading your greatness, And the great things you do – God, you’re the one, there’s no one but you!”

I get so excited reading that. When playing my guitar all I want to do is exalt him, I want to be able to give my all musically and spiritually and with saying that I  have to be aware that on sunday mornings I am leading others in worship and not just myself. This calls for a readjustment.185681_10150111013219590_83060799589_6189045_5600299_n

When In public worship people can feel pretty out of place and reserved. To break that barrier an atmosphere needs to be set, a “mood” if you will. I would say that our worship pastor Josh does an awesome job at picking songs that set an atmosphere and exalt God. As a servant to God under Josh’s leadership I feel that I should do everything I can to make this “mood” or atmosphere be enriched. I use the guitar as a tool to push that atmosphere. Much time, effort, and prayer goes into finding out what will set that atmosphere and for lack of better words what will tug on your heart strings. We want the music to be something that will soften hearts and help welcome the Holy Spirit and help you take in the words being sung and the message being given. As a guitarist I want to be an atmosphere setter, a door opener for those who may feel uncomfortable in that setting and I also want to help set the atmosphere of joy when singing to God!

Its an honor and blessing to spend so much time worshiping with you Velocity! I look forward to being back with you soon!

Worshipping The Worship

In churches all across America (and the world), there are worship leaders getting people to sing along as one voice.  Some churches have great production value, some don’t.  Some have huge choirs and organs, some don’t.  Some churches teach the idea that singing the songs is just a part, and that it is all a part of giving God the glory.  And some don’t.


Sunday Set List

This past week Caleb spoke to us about Grace.  He challenged us with a question- what is your “But God” moment?



Set List:

  • Whom Shall I Fear (Chris Tomlin)
  • Forever Reign (Passion)
  • How He Loves (David Crowder version)
  • One Thing Remains (Passion)
  • Amazing Grace (My Chains Are Gone) (Chris Tomlin)

Sunday Set List

Today I had the honor of getting to teach as well as leading the music.  I spoke about trusting God i the storms, using Jesus calming the seas as a reference.  You can listen to it here.


We sang:

  • At The Cross (Love Ran Red)- Chris Tomlin
  • White Flag- Chris Tomlin
  • Revelation Song- Jennie Lee Riddle
  • It Is Well- Bethel
  • It is Well- Todd Fields

This week- remember that your situation is not tied in your circumstances, but is tied with Jesus.  And the Power that lives in you is greater than the power that lives in the world!

This I Believe (The Creed)- by Hillsong Worship

Hillsong Church has released a new album, “No Other Name.”  It has become on of my favorite worship albums of this year very quickly.

This song, “This I Believe (The Creed),” is my favorite song on the album.  The writers were challenged to putting to music the Apostle’s Creed in a new and modern fashion.  What came out is a song that is beautifully written, speaking truth and declaration of our faith.  This will definitely find its way onto Velocity rotation soon!

Sunday Setlist

Yesterday we finished out the series “Being Rich” and Pastor Reggie challenged us to bless others if we want to be blessed.



You Are Our Rescue (Velocity Original)
Mighty To Save (Hillsong Worship)
10,000 Reasons (Matt Redman)
At The Cross (Love Ran Red) (Chris Tomlin)
Give Me Faith (Elevation Worship)

Praising God in the Storms

We all go through the downs of life.  Those moments when the sun seems to not cast any light our way.  We know we are supposed to praise God in the good and the bad, but when we find ourselves in the valley, it can be difficult to remember how. 

Some people tell you to look at the good in the bad, that there is a silver lining.  Some people tell you to just praise out of obedience.  Some people, like Job’s friends, tell you that the bad is your fault and you should repent.

Three years ago, my cousin Brian was killed. It was and is the darkest thing the Holmes family has known. We all miss Brian each and every day- from the drumming sounds he would make with his mouth, to signing his name on cards as Brian E Holmes, to that time he ate a gigantic candy bar at Christmas because he was so hungry he couldn’t wait.  I am so excited for the day I get to see him again.

It is hard to see the good there, I will be perfectly honest.  But I am not sure that praising God has anything to do with the circumstances. Maybe, just maybe, praising God in the bad times is more of a “God, you are still on the throne.  I don’t understand what is happening, or why it happened. If I had my way it wouldn’t have happened like this, but I know that You are God and I am not.”

I’m not going to tell you to try to see the good in the situation you are in because sometimes you can’t see it.  Sometimes the good isn’t there yet.  The only reason I am back home in Greenville is because of a job not working out.  It was hard to see the good then, but now- I know that God had a plan all along.

 Don’t look for the good.  Look for God. 

Worship As Community

We have talked mostly about worship in song or lifestyle. But let’s chat about community.

This past week I saw this idea lived out.  The group of missionaries I spent time with- about 100-150 people, worshipped not simply by singing, but by being a community.

What Is Worship As Community

People need community.  Having people surrounding you to help lift you up when you need lifting, make you laugh when you want to cry, to cry with you when you do cry, to help take care of each other.  Being Jesus to one another.

When we view the people around us and look at their needs and how we can meet them, we form a community.  When we do that with Jesus as our center- we worship Him by doing what He asked.

In Acts we see the church being more than just a building, more than just a group of people- but a community focused on telling others about Jesus and meeting the needs of those around them.

At the conference this past week, I got the chance to sit down and talk with people.  People who just needed an ear to listen to some of their problems, and to encourage them to keep trusting.  There was one group I want to talk about specifically though.  The Journeymen.

The Journeyman program is a two year program for young adults with a college degree to serve overseas.  They are spread all over the world.  But this group of people had such a tight knit relationship.  It was honestly a little hard for me to “break in” with them, but when I did I think they blessed me more than I blessed them!

These guys prayed for each other constantly, many of them only saw each other every two years at the conference (like a lot of the missionaries).  So when they did get together, they held tight.  Every time you saw one- you saw four. They did life together, even if that life was thousands of miles away (there is one team in Paris) from one another.

When you worship by being part of a Jesus focused community- you have people who have your back.  Who will listen when you call, who will help you when you fall. Because you are more than just people- you are family. I love that every missionary kid called me “Uncle Josh” this week.  Because to these kids- we are all family!

Worship as community is not going to church.  It is not “checking off the attendance box”.  It is getting your hands dirty, being involved, helping to raise up future leaders while being poured into by the leaders of yesterday.

 Community is not about you or me, but it is about us.

Being a part of a community is not so that you can get your needs met or so I can get mine met.  It is so we aren’t alone.  Don’t think of it as “what can I get from them” but more of “what can I do for them”.  if we all have that mentality then every need will get met selflessly and whole heartedly.

At Velocity– we want to build a community, not a roster.  If you are interested in being part of our community, or if you need someone to talk to- please email us.  We have small groups that you can plug yourself into, volunteer positions to help get plugged in, and people that want to do life along side of you.

Are you worshipping by being a part of a community?