
Why Do We Sing In Our Worship Services?

This post is written by Meagan Kestner, one of the members of Velocity Worship, as well as the Brown Family Ministries.  She is married to Caleb, and they have a dog named Lexi.

I like the way Gary Panell answers this question:

A person who is filled with the Holy Spirit can’t help but sing, this is what Ephesians 5:18-19 says, “And do not be drunk with wine, in which is dissipation; but be filled with the Spirit, speaking to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord.

Why do we sing in our services?

Singing is one of the most common responses people had when they became filled with the Holy Spirit.

Why is it so emotional?

Over the years musical worship has taken many trends. Today a person—not supporting the Christian faith would look at a group of Christians worshipping and think,

​Are they drunk?

A similar situation happened back when the people first encountered the Holy Spirit.

Acts 2:13 “Others joked, “They’re drunk on cheap wine”

That’s when Peter stood up, backed by the other eleven, spoke out with bold urgency . . . they haven’t had time to get drunk – it’s only nine o clock in the morning. This is what the prophet Joel announced would happen.:

In the Last Days, God says,
​I will pour out my Spirit on every kind of people.

When you become filled with the Holy Spirit our thoughts and actions all become completely centered on bringing praise to God. It can be very emotional at times, and other times not. The danger we face now is trying to chase down an experience with the Holy Spirit rather than worshipping to bring God glory.

Just some thoughts.

Worship Beyond Song

When I, as a minister, say the word “Worship”- our minds trigger a vision of singing praises.  We know in our mind that worship is more than songs sung on Sunday. Many worship leaders, such as myself, even like to use the term “lifestyle worshipers”. When asked to define this term- we say “it is when someone worships God with more than song, but with their life”.

But what does this entail?  How does someone become a “lifestyle worshiper”?  What exactly is worship?

Matt Chandler says,

The root of Christian worship, then, is acknowledging, submittting to, and enjoying the supremecy of God’s glory.  In all things.

Worship is enjoying something at a high respect, at its essence.  We have a choice- we can worship really whatever we like.  From sports teams, to superheros, to celebrities, to “celebrities” that we aren’t sure how they became celebrities, to technology, to social media, to food, to music and bands, to anything where enjoyment can be had.

And so, as Christians, we have an opportunity to worship, to enjoy and submit to, the glory of God.  This can be done in song, yes.  But in our daily life- how do we apply this?

By enjoying the life that God gave us.  And in that enjoyment- acknowledge the fact that this was not given to us so that we would fill a void in God’s heart.  Acknowledge God’s grace in every day occurances. Even to the seemingly mundane like the fact that color exists- give God glory!

When we take our worship beyond songs sung on Sunday morning, beyond a genre of music, we will truly begin to experience what it means to worship God.