Worship as a Guitarist.

10576997_10204455984344386_5519685618710949783_nHi Velocity, my name is Collin! Some of you may already know me, some of you may not, but you may have noticed  a big guy playing guitar  on stage for the past couple of months, thats me! I haven't been there in a while (health stuff no biggy!) but I'll be back soon! Here is a little bit about myself, Im 20 years old. I've helped with many churches and worship teams in the past serving on various ministry teams. I am from Anderson SC born and raised! I have a lovely girlfriend named Tyler, she is awesome and supports me in my music endeavors and more importantly my walk with Christ. I am going to school to be a history teacher, my grammar and typing may be terrible but I love history! Enough about me!

So there has been many times when I have been asked “why does worship music need guitars” or “why do you need to be playing your guitar so loud” or “why do you do “solos” on sunday mornings“? To answer this I pretty much need to start with the basics of what I believe it means to worship.

Worship to me is more than a song, its more than meeting on a sunday morning, it is a life style. So when I think of my worship put into music, I always think of Psalm 86: 9-10

All the nations you made are on their way, ready to give honor to you, O Lord, Ready to put your beauty on display,  parading your greatness, And the great things you do – God, you’re the one, there’s no one but you!”

I get so excited reading that. When playing my guitar all I want to do is exalt him, I want to be able to give my all musically and spiritually and with saying that I  have to be aware that on sunday mornings I am leading others in worship and not just myself. This calls for a readjustment.185681_10150111013219590_83060799589_6189045_5600299_n

When In public worship people can feel pretty out of place and reserved. To break that barrier an atmosphere needs to be set, a “mood” if you will. I would say that our worship pastor Josh does an awesome job at picking songs that set an atmosphere and exalt God. As a servant to God under Josh’s leadership I feel that I should do everything I can to make this “mood” or atmosphere be enriched. I use the guitar as a tool to push that atmosphere. Much time, effort, and prayer goes into finding out what will set that atmosphere and for lack of better words what will tug on your heart strings. We want the music to be something that will soften hearts and help welcome the Holy Spirit and help you take in the words being sung and the message being given. As a guitarist I want to be an atmosphere setter, a door opener for those who may feel uncomfortable in that setting and I also want to help set the atmosphere of joy when singing to God!

Its an honor and blessing to spend so much time worshiping with you Velocity! I look forward to being back with you soon!

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